Black Holes - Silent Giants in Space

(Celebrating the first ever image of the black hole by Event Horizon Telescope

Swirling with the relativistic speeds,
they are present far in the space
where no one has yet physically reached
no one could even have thought to gaze!

Unlike the twinkling beauties in the dark,
they remain unnoticed to human eyes;
It's observed, they engulf everything nearby
even the light has no choice!

Ohh, even light - the fastest in the universe
can't escape these valleys in spacetime
thus called "black" holes,
as "visibly they don't shine"!

Today, however, using some of the best engineering done
humans have succeeded in seeing the unseeable...
Yes, we've captured the horizon where one can see it all happen,
One of the active giants in the universe, and yet
in the ocean of the universe, just like a pebble!!!

Sonal Thorve


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